How to create a great first impression for your business

Online First Impressions

Your website will be one of the most important marketing tools you’ll ever have for generating business. However, don’t fall into the adage “if you build it they will come…“ They won’t.

So what do you need to do before you can begin generating new business online?

Firstly,  you’ll need to get your website designed and developed. Secondly, you need to make sure your site is populated with quality content ie writing the words.

These two elements are vital for the success of any website. Why?

When we land on a website, we form an impression. This first impression takes a mere three seconds to form and only a further 5 seconds to produce a lead!

If you can’t grab your prospects attention and compel them to stay in those first few seconds, you’ll lose them to your competitors. Additionally, this quick exit will be damaging to your website’s SEO ranking.

How can we guarantee a great first impression?

1. The  look of the site – the colours, the font, the feel and the design.

If the site looks messy, is difficult to navigate or hard to read, the site is unlikely to convert visitors into paying customers.

2. The  words you use – the words, or ‘copy’ are critical to converting your prospect into a quality lead.

Not only do your words take your customers on a journey through your site, but they determine how well you rank on Google and other search engines.

Words make a difference, especially when needing to hold customers for those all important first 8 seconds. Whether your website is designed to boost your business profile or to convert quality leads, it’s the words that will do it.

For a complimentary copywriting audit of your website, feel free to contact me.
